Reiki practitioner
Suzanne Holmes
I'd love to share with you a little bit about my background, and how I came to practice Reiki. I was living an active life with adventures and ambitions, but in 2012 I was waylaid by a big injury. This seemed to have a cascading effect in which I faced other injuries, limited mobility, and chronic pain. I experienced feelings of grief and loss, and a lot of learning (however begrudgingly). Though I wouldn't have planned this for myself, it sent me on a fascinating path of trying many healing modalities. Like so many others with a chronic health issue, I left few stones unturned - through Western medicine, Eastern medicine, and alternative medicine. I wondered if it was possible to come back home to safety and capability in my body. Was it possible to rediscover my natural well-being, emotionally and physically? This led me to healing my nervous system, and ultimately to Reiki. I experienced a Reiki session, and afterward I eagerly signed up for a Reiki training course, studying Angelic Reiki and Usui Reiki with Lynn Blos in Northern California. I completed my Professional Practitioner's certification in Angelic Reiki. Unexpected challenges and growth can change us in ultimately beautiful ways. My empathy has been cracked wide open to anyone going through a challenging moment, and I've been guided to hold healing and loving space for those seeking it. I welcome all to my practice. As a mom of two, I am particularly moved to practice Reiki on pregnant and postpartum moms. And I have a deep understanding of anyone going through chronic pain, and would be honored to practice Reiki with you. |
Suzanne's Trainings
Angelic Reiki I, II, III, IV with Lynn Blos
Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner Certificate with Christine Core
Usui Reiki I, II with Lynn Blos
Chakra Empowerment for Women training with Lisa Erickson
Increase Your Intuitive Awareness series with Gwenn Henkel
Additional learning in modalities of Psychic Reiki, Lisa Campion, and Energy Medicine, Jeffrey Allen
UC Berkeley, B.A., International Development Studies
Suzanne's Experience From Own Healing Journey
Kaiser Permanente Chronic Pain Clinic
Dynamic Neural Retraining (DNRS) Program with Annie Hopper
Shinzen Young Home Practice Program Meditation Retreats
Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses
Meditation experience in Yoga Nidra
Meditation experience in alpha brain wave states (learnings from Joe Dispenza and Les Fehmi)
Angelic Reiki I, II, III, IV with Lynn Blos
Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner Certificate with Christine Core
Usui Reiki I, II with Lynn Blos
Chakra Empowerment for Women training with Lisa Erickson
Increase Your Intuitive Awareness series with Gwenn Henkel
Additional learning in modalities of Psychic Reiki, Lisa Campion, and Energy Medicine, Jeffrey Allen
UC Berkeley, B.A., International Development Studies
Suzanne's Experience From Own Healing Journey
Kaiser Permanente Chronic Pain Clinic
Dynamic Neural Retraining (DNRS) Program with Annie Hopper
Shinzen Young Home Practice Program Meditation Retreats
Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses
Meditation experience in Yoga Nidra
Meditation experience in alpha brain wave states (learnings from Joe Dispenza and Les Fehmi)